Friday, March 24, 2023

Traditional Company X VANE

 Traditional Company X VANE – 7 comparative points

As per the recent article below, I presented VANE – Virtual Agile Networking Enterprise. Let’s look at a quick comparison between a traditional company versus a VANE.

1. Leadership: generally top down / pyramidal with well-defined hierarchy versus transformational and matrix model of stakeholders management;

2. Engagement: employees follow the rules of management versus talents are invited (buy in) to adhere to the VANE model gradually and progressively;

3. Action: the team acts according to its job description (each one in one´s square) versus job description + mega networkers and lead generators, in favor of the company;

4. Compensation: package defined by the position versus agreed compensation + variable extra income depending on the economic value actually created and measured;

5. Chief Networking Officer: Non-existent or even informal versus clear and defined CNO´s leadership with the stakeholders management team, in full alignment with CEO´s and strategic HR´s policies;

6. Innovative Culture: Most companies want to be innovative but always stop at the question “where has this ever been implemented before?” versus an absolutely innovative, disruptive and constantly transformational culture of a VANE.

7. Growth: in good years, growth happens, with profits and hiring / in bad years, we have shrinkage, losses and layoffs versus a model in which all employees are brand ambassadors and co-responsible for growth, ie, everyone attacks to increase turnover and everyone defends to avoid losses with regional and even global scopes.

Monday, May 02, 2016

BCockpit - Free until Launch

BCockpit , Geo Contact Manager, will be free until its launch. Register now and follow-up final product development, mainly, its integrations with Phonebook, GMail, Salesforce & MailChimp. 

Invite your friends to enjoy this benefit since then. Looking forward to welcoming you.

BCockpit - Gratuito até Lançamento

BCockpit,  Geo Contact Manager, ficará gratuito até o seu lançamento. Registre-se agora e acompanhe o desenvolvimento final do produto, em especial, suas integrações com Agenda Telefônica, GMail, Salesforce & MailChimp.

Convide seus amigos para usufruir desse benefício único desde já. Estamos ansiosos por saudá-los.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

BCockpit / Estagio Desenvolvedor Jr no Rio

BCockpit , Geo Contact Manager será lançado em Fev 2016! Para acelerarmos seu lançamento, estamos contratando um estagiário/programador junior com ótimas possibilidades de contratação pós-funding. Mais detalhes no anúncio abaixo. Início imediato. Candidate-se já ou divulge essa oportunidade entre seus pares. Feliz e Próspero 2016!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

TEN Clube

TEN Clube é um modelo de aceleracao de negocios que combina um calendário de eventos corporativos com uma rede social de acesso restrito. Eventos serão focados no tema "Inovação e Sustentabilidade".